Hope Beyond Measure Case Statement

Hope Inspires. Hope Builds. Hope Sustains.

Our Purpose: We are called to love and serve. Our Mission: Embracing God’s call, Mosaic relentlessly pursues opportunities that empower people. Our Vision: We are the changing face of healthcare, passionate about serving the whole person and partnering for quality outcomes. HopeBeyondMeasure.org “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 Hope Inspires. Hope Builds. Hope Sustains.

Dear Friends, In a rapidly changing healthcare environment, Mosaic is focused on high quality, personalized services, and our experience shows that where we lead, others will follow. It’s not by chance that Mosaic takes a leadership role. Our call to love and serve makes Mosaic stand apart and stand out because we’re here for people, not for profit—it’s part of what we call the Mosaic Difference. But personalized services are a moving target. With each step forward, we see there’s more we can do, and more we can do better. That’s why we present our Hope Beyond Measure campaign. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ drives innovation to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other diverse needs and the workforce who supports them ÑÑ supports the development of technology and data systems that enhance personalized services and manage complex business operations effectively ÑÑ builds financial sustainability to ensure services are here to help people for decades to come. We chose the name Hope Beyond Measure because hope inspires creativity and change; hope builds strength and flexibility; and hope sustains endurance and dedication. Hope is not a wish, but instead is a promise from God of an assured good that is coming. I am confident, with your partnership, Hope Beyond Measure will help people with disabilities create better, more satisfying lives. Because of you, our recently completed Called to be Bold comprehensive campaign exceeded our goal–even with all the disruption caused by a pandemic. We also launched an ambitious five-year strategic roadmap energizing the organization to expand service options and engage the workforce in new ways. Called to be Bold fueled dramatic growth in personalized services that will now accelerate with Hope Beyond Measure. Thank you for the opportunity to share these needs. Sincerely, Linda Timmons, Mosaic President and CEO “This campaign will transform lives and transformMosaic as an organization.” — Linda Timmons The Mosaic Difference: Faith-based The Lutheran heritage shapes Mosaic as a welcoming, diverse and inclusive organization. Mission-driven Nonprofit Commitment to mission drives Mosaic to focus on quality and put people served first. Whole Person Focused Mosaic’s whole person model personalizes services around the unique needs and goals of each individual. One Mosaic Mosaic’s multi-state network acts as one body to strengthen advocacy and share resources and best practices. The Power of Legacy Mosaic has a greater than 110-year history of strength and resilience. Hope is a powerful thing. Hope Beyond Measure is an $85 million campaign built upon Mosaic’s strategic plan to successfully overcome today’s challenges, transform the organization and prepare for the future. Mosaic is built on a foundation of hope—Hope Beyond Measure. Grounded in the values that have shaped the organization for more than a century, Mosaic has a unique niche in services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other diverse needs and is known for its faith-informed innovation and action. It’s not just what Mosaic does that matters in people’s lives, it’s also the way Mosaic does it and the why behind it. Because of that, Mosaic is a trusted partner with respected national and community organizations and is leading change to positively shape services for all people in the future. GOAL: $85 Million ÑÑ Hope Inspires: $20 Million ÑÑ Hope Builds: $20 Million ÑÑ Hope Sustains: $45 Million 1

Personalized Services People with disabilities and their families deserve and expect more options and choices than were offered in the past. Whether it is where and with whom they live, what activities they choose to participate in or whether to have a job, people with disabilities and their families are seeking new and expanded options. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Grows the Mosaic at Home (shared living) service. More people now receive that service than any other residential offering. ÑÑ Transforms day services for full community engagement. ÑÑ Expands in-home supports across the network that target specific, defined needs to enable people to live independently with support only when needed. ÑÑ Enhances group residential settings to reflect a commitment to personalized services. ÑÑ Promotes whole-person services across the network. Your gift to Hope Beyond Measure will strengthen and accelerate Mosaic’s whole-person approach in these areas and others to make personalized services the new measure of success for quality. Mark Conaway: Spending my day my way. Mark views a variety of images and uses those to free sketch. He particularly enjoys making greeting cards and sells them at a farmers market from May through October. He has developed repeat customers and has mailed his work across the country as well. Mark particularly enjoys drawing cartoon characters but has expanded to animals, flowers, and more. Hope inspires Mosaic to think creatively and expand service options. Since each person has unique social, environmental, financial, physical, psychological and spiritual needs that affect their well-being, Mosaic uses a whole-person approach to services that follows the person’s lead in making choices and pursuing goals, which we call personalized services. HOPE INSPIRES GOAL: $20 Million David shares a home with Zach and provides the support he needs through Mosaic at Home. Learn more about them in this video: youtu.be/_5wV4adSa24. Where People Receive Services Affects Quality Outcomes Of 24-hour settings, Mosaic at Home has the highest number of quality outcomes on average. 7 Mosaic at Home ranks highest in seven quality measurements Steve Golly: My ‘Why’ Mosaic at Home Provider Anybody that meets Ron, they love him. He just brings so much joy to everybody’s life. Ron and I connected right from the start. From day one, if I was going somewhere, he was going with me. Ron’s probably my best friend now. Mosaic at Home is a great program, because it gets people out into a home where they can get one-on-one attention and make great progress. We’ve promoted it so well that nine other people have become home providers. 2 | Hope Beyond Measure

A Place for Faith Non-profit, faith-based voices are more important than ever to ensure personalized services given the changing provider landscape. Although other organizations may offer similar services, Mosaic stands apart: we’re here for people, not for profit. Mosaic’s strong presence as a faith-based organization is a reminder that people always come first. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Grows the unique and innovative Rejoicing Spirits full-inclusion worship model, now in use by congregations in more than 20 states. ÑÑ Expands education opportunities in partnership with seminaries to help students learn how to support and include people with disabilities and their families. ÑÑ Expands the work of Mosaic’s Church Relations program that supports local staff across the network to develop partnerships with community churches. Donations have an important impact on Mosaic’s Church Relations program. Your donation to Hope Beyond Measure is an affirmation of Mosaic’s God-inspired call to love and serve. International Outreach In many areas of the world, including Tanzania, people with disabilities face stigma and neglect with no access to medical services or educational and employment opportunities. Through effective international partnerships, Mosaic is changing cultural attitudes and practices. Our accompaniment model helps local organizations build capacity and become self-sustaining. The Building a Caring Community (BCC) program began in 2007 with our partner, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. BCC now serves more than 200 young people who have disabilities with health and training services. But there’s more to be done. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Adds more community centers providing life-changing services in Tanzania, serving more people closer to their homes. ÑÑ Supports in-home services for children in rural areas where poor quality or non-existent roads keep them homebound. ÑÑ Grows income opportunities through vocational training and small business loans. ÑÑ Positions Mosaic to support a new international partnership in response to ongoing requests. Even the limited, fully donor-supported assistance Mosaic provides its international partner has far-reaching, life-changing effects. That’s the power of your gift to Hope Beyond Measure. Complementary Services There are growing, emerging and diverse needs that Mosaic has the skills and expertise to meet within the scope of our mission. While Mosaic’s primary focus will continue to be people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, we will expand to support others where there is a good fit with our skills and workforce. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Fosters innovations such as expanding in-home services that meet emerging community needs. ÑÑ Enables development of new service models. Soreo In-Home Supports, a Mosaic affiliate in Arizona, is an example. Many served through Soreo do not have an intellectual or developmental disability, but are either aging or have a progressive disability such as multiple sclerosis. Through contracted workers, Soreo provides non-medical, hourly supports that enable people to remain independent and in their homes. Needs for in-home support are growing rapidly. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by 2029, people over the age of 65 will account for 20% of the population. Through Hope Beyond Measure, you can help Mosaic become an in-home support leader. Mosaic’s Rejoicing Spirits ministry continues to experience steady growth. In addition, more than 50 churches are in some stage of inquiring or preparing to implement Rejoicing Spirits worship. Intellectual disability is more common in low-income countries Incidence of disabilities: Worldwide, 1 in 10 people. Among the poorest, 1 in 5 people. Source: Special Olympics/United Nations Development Program 80% of people with intellectual disabilities live in low-income countries 265.3 Million children with disabilities worldwide Source: UNICEF 56 Rejoicing Spirits congregations Katie Kelly: My ‘Why’ Vice President of Information Technology, Mosaic National Supports I am humbled by the commitment of our workforce to help support those we serve so they have the opportunity to live life to the fullest, the same as I want for myself, my children, and my family. We want that to be as easy as possible because every minute spent on technology is time spent away from serving people. Watch a story featuring Louis, who receives services through Soreo, a Mosaic affiliate in Arizona: youtu.be/lb4Pv6T8fDQ. 4 | Hope Beyond Measure

Technology Framework Modern technology solutions are essential to address the complexity of healthcare today and support growth. The one-to-one relationships between Mosaic direct support professionals and those they serve are critical to quality services. But the technology tools needed to support those relationships are constantly evolving. Today, technology needs to support complex and critical business areas such as finance, human resources, fundraising, HIPAA compliance and more. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Enables personalized technology solutions for people to receive needed services while promoting independence. ÑÑ Allows Mosaic to build the integrated, digital tools to refine data gathering, analysis and timely reporting to support meaningful quality measures. ÑÑ Transforms Mosaic’s IT infrastructure, systems and processes to become more secure, user-friendly, effective and reliable. ÑÑ Prioritizes information and data security, reflecting Mosaic’s needs as a healthcare organization. HOPE BUILDS Meri Van Ahn: Spending my day my way. Meri uses an oral instrument to transfer glue and glass tile pieces to a wooden design surface to create beautiful mosaics. She creates them as gifts for friends and others or to sell. Hope builds strength and flexibility for Mosaic to adapt to new circumstances and do what is needed to achieve excellence, both in service delivery and business operations. Today, every aspect of Mosaic’s work is supported through technology, and Mosaic’s current IT infrastructure and systems will not allow the organization to fully achieve strategic initiatives. In response, Mosaic is creating a strong infrastructure that will be flexible enough to support both today’s needs and future initiatives. GOAL: $20 Million Technology Personalized for Elmer Through a fully donor-supported Occupational Therapy program at Mosaic in Denver, Elmer has had dramatic changes in his life. He is vision impaired, but now able to use technology (Siri) to check the time and learn the day’s weather so he can dress appropriately and decide whether to take the bus, an uber or stay home. Also hearing impaired, Elmer didn’t wear his new hearing aid after losing an earlier one. His OT designed a way to clip it to his clothes securely, and now he feels safe wearing it. See how Luisa, who is supported through Living Innovations, a Mosaic affiliate in New England, is thriving: youtu.be/ebhry5djYXc. The multi-year IT transformation brings easier, more intuitive technology that will allow the direct care workforce to spend more time serving people, which is the heart of Mosaic’s mission. A critical piece of the transformation revolves around comprehensive data gathering and analysis, which feeds success for individuals and for the organization. • For people supported by Mosaic: Synthesized data allows different internal audiences to look at granular data or a summary to enable real-time decision-making to effect changes that refine services and increase quality. • For the organization: Solid, reliable data can show proof of success, making funders and regulators more inclined to listen to the stories of what success means in an individual’s life, strengthening Mosaic advocacy voice in public policy. In a rapidly changing disability services environment, with your help, Mosaic will lead positive change through quality data gathering, reporting and analysis. Mosaic’s IT transformation is an investment into the workforce, people supported and the future of the organization. Donor support through Hope Beyond Measure is essential to enable this transformation to happen. 6 | Hope Beyond Measure 7

Recognized Leader The healthcare environment is rapidly changing. Creating standard, industry-wide quality measures will help ensure people receive the best services possible, and that organizations which provide quality services receive appropriate funding to sustain and expand those services. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Enables Mosaic to continue its leadership of and partnership with other values-driven organizations to deliver quality, personalized services. Mosaic’s focus on quality has made the organization a thoughtleader. With two other industry leaders—The Council on Quality and Leadership and The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities—Mosaic hosted three symposia to begin creating a framework for quality standards across disability service providers. The symposia resulted in a trio of reports that provide a roadmap for establishing key measures that support high quality services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a managed care or value-based services environment. Your gift to Hope Beyond Measure affirms your support of Mosaic as an industry leader and constant advocate for the quality services people deserve. Donnie Lutton: Spending my day my way. Donnie has worked for the City of Pittsburg, Kansas for two years. He does various job duties around the city every morning, Monday through Friday. Being able to have a job is very important to Donnie and he is proud of how hard he works. Hope sustains endurance and dedication, regardless of circumstances, so people know Mosaic will be there for the long haul. Hope in the future enabled visionary leaders to create The Mosaic Foundation more than 40 years ago. Those leaders understood, as we do today, that Mosaic will ensure a long-term future through hope that is supported by strategic action, such as through Hope Beyond Measure. HOPE SUSTAINS GOAL: $45 Million See how Aaron, who is supported by Mosaic in South Central Iowa, is thriving through his job that brings independence, responsibility and satisfaction: youtu.be/7-3fr_ZTdNo. 12.5x people with disabilities who are respected are 12.5x more likely to be treated fairly Source: Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) A leader in quality When compared to the national benchmark for quality determined by the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL), Mosaic scores higher in a number of areas around personalized services. They include: CQL Mosaic People are respected 46.2% 54.2% People exercise rights 39.8% 56.7% People are treated fairly 46.1% 67.5% People choose services 26.7% 41.7% People choose where and 29.6% 38.3% with whom to live People realize personal goals 58.8% 66.7% 8 | Hope Beyond Measure 9

Securing the Future Government funding is uncertain and doesn’t provide enough to support people with disabilities to thrive. Although data shows Mosaic provides a higher level of quality than many other organizations, the reimbursement rates are uniform across all providers within a state. Additionally, it is not uncommon for states to maintain or even reduce reimbursement rates to balance budgets. At the same time, Mosaic’s expenses respond to market changes and routinely increase. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Strengthens The Mosaic Foundation to support the organization in challenging economic conditions and weather unpredictable events such as the recent pandemic. ÑÑ Supports the Mosaic workforce with additional resources. ÑÑ Funds research and development for mission-driven innovation. Past disbursements from The Foundation have funded capital improvements needed on Mosaic properties; strategic targeted wage investments across the network; and tools that enhance services, such as an electronic health record. Donor gifts through Hope Beyond Measure that enhance The Mosaic Foundation create a legacy that lasts well into the future. Ensure Independence The Mosaic Foundation assets need to keep pace with ongoing growth of the organization. Over the last 40 years, friends who remembered Mosaic in their estate helped build The Mosaic Foundation to $50 million. This amount is about 14 percent of Mosaic’s annual budget. The benchmark for a foundation is to have assets totaling two years of revenue; that’s our long-term goal. With the growing demand for services, building The Foundation is essential to future success. Hope Beyond Measure: ÑÑ Secures Mosaic’s mission as a faith-based, independent, nonprofit organization. ÑÑ Positions Mosaic to grow The Mosaic Foundation’s total assets to $150 million by 2030. ÑÑ Enables funding from The Mosaic Foundation to match the rate of growth with the number of people supported by Mosaic. The Mosaic Foundation is both a practical hedge against the ups and downs of government funding and a commitment to donors, ensuring their gifts are managed with the highest principles of long-term stewardship. Your Hope Beyond Measure gift is a promise not just to the people served today, but to all who need services in the future that Mosaic will be there for them. Ramon Muniz: My ‘Why’ Associate Director, Mosaic in Denver Mosaic has proven time and time again that they value their employees just as much as the people they support. Mosaic is dedicated to providing top-tier services while continuously striving to improve workforce culture. I am continuously impressed with the measures taken to ensure that all who are a part of the Mosaic family are treated with dignity and respect. The importance of personalized, wholeperson services When other service providers refused, Mosaic in Delaware opened three homes for young men with autism ages 19-21 who had been in programs outside the state. The service has had a significant impact—a number of medications have been completely eliminated; aggressive behaviors have decreased by as much as 75%; and the young men have been reintegrated into their families to spend time together. In 2022, members of the workforce completed 119,234 online courses in our training system. The importance of a well-trained workforce In the most recent satisfaction survey of people supported, 84.29% responded with agree or strongly agree to the statement: “Staff/provider is well-trained and skillful.” hopebeyondmeasure.org Sparklann Sparrow: My ‘Why’ Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Mosaic National Supports Mosaic gives me a platform to do God’s work which allows me to live out a major part of my purpose in life—to serve others in a selfless way. I have recruited hundreds of new employees. Individuals in service depend on me to send caring and kind-hearted people to help them live a fulfilling and happy life. Doing this fills my heart with joy, and I am honored that Mosaic trusts me to recruit and hire good people. I love Mosaic and everything we stand for. We are not willing to let people down. 119,234 online training courses completed 84.29% believe Mosaic’s workforce is well-trained decreased aggressive behaviors by 75%

Your gift to Hope Beyond Measure will not only enable the growth of personalized services at Mosaic, it can also produce financial advantages for you. We urge you to seek advice from your professional adviser to receive the full tax benefits of your gift. Cash Cash is the easiest asset to donate and is appreciated because it can immediately be put to use. A cash gift can be in the form of a personal check or credit card payment. Additionally, you may be able to increase the size of your gift if a matching gift is available. Gift of Grain Although there is no charitable gift deduction, gifting a portion of your harvest may allow you to reap other benefits. A gift of grain often results in significant tax benefits because farmers can avoid declaring the crop as taxable income while still deducting the cost of growing the crop. Stocks and Bonds Mosaic accepts publicly traded and closely held stock. Publicly traded securities may be transferred to a Mosaic Foundation designated brokerage account. To receive tax benefits, you must transfer stocks/bonds to Mosaic rather than selling them and donating the proceeds. Retirement Assets Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other tax-deferred plan is a great benefit to Mosaic and may allow you to realize positive tax advantages. Real Estate The Mosaic Foundation may accept gifts of real estate upon recommendation from its Board. By making a gift of a residence, vacation home, farm, ranch or commercial property, you may avoid capital gains taxes and receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the property. Planned Gifts Remembering Mosaic as a beneficiary of your estate plan provides a lasting legacy of your commitment to our mission. These gifts should be considered within the full framework of your estate plan and after seeking counsel. Donor Advised Funds Donor advised funds give you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Mosaic and other qualified charities. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts. For additional information about any of these ways to give, contact: Renee Coughlin, Senior Vice President and President of The Mosaic Foundation, at 402.896.3884. WAYS TO GIVE “Mosaic is a great place for my daughter. They always respond to any concerns that I have. My daughter is happy and treated with great respect. This is very important to me. I am kept up to date with anything concerning my daughter.” — Family survey response 12 | Hope Beyond Measure

“We have all developed a strong trust and respect for the entire Mosaic Team—they sacrifice so much to be able to support others in need. I am so thankful for every one of them.” — Family survey response Ted and Cheryl Swanson Campaign Co-Chairs For over one hundred years Mosaic has been serving people with intellectual disabilities, people who have often been ignored and forgotten by the wider society. Mosaic has not only provided safe and compassionate care but has endeavored to ensure that each person it serves is empowered to seek the life that she or he desires. Mosaic also has advocated for those it serves in our churches, with other service providers, and in our communities. We’ve been blessed to play a small part in helping Mosaic pursue its mission over the past several years and are now honored to be co-chairs of the current Hope Beyond Measure campaign. Mosaic is not content to rest upon its past achievements but is committed to continue improving the way that it serves others—this campaign can fulfill Mosaic’s hope to be even more effective in empowering, serving, and advocating for others. More importantly, through this campaign Mosaic can continue offering hope to those it serves for lives that are secure and fulfilled. During our time with Mosaic we’ve heard story after story from people whose lives have been transformed by Mosaic. And these stories are not only those of the people Mosaic serves, but also stories from people who provide service and have found their own lives enriched by the experience of being part of such a good organization and helping others. We truly believe that the more familiar you become with Mosaic’s work, the more impressed you will be. We encourage you to join in this Hope Beyond Measure campaign and help Mosaic in offering hope to many. Julie and Randy Richardson Campaign Co-Chairs We are excited to serve as co-chairs of the Hope Beyond Measure campaign. Julie’s sister, Mary Beth, has been living with Mosaic for approximately 30 years. She has thrived since she moved to Mosaic and her quality of life has been positively impacted by her living experience. When we were asked to contribute our time and effort to this campaign, it was an easy decision. Our years of interaction with Mosaic through Mary Beth’s living experience has confirmed that this organization is true to its mission of caring, compassion and love. We have witnessed firsthand the impact that Mosaic has had on her life and the lives of those she has lived with. Mosaic clearly serves an important role in the lives of so many with disabilities and that is why we are motivated to serve as well. We are proud to be a part of the Mosaic heritage, committed to its mission for more than 100 years. We also understand the challenges associated with providing support and care to those whom Mosaic serves. Today, those challenges are greater than ever before. The Hope Beyond Measure campaign is about the future of Mosaic. It is about an organization that has the expertise and knowledge to meet current and future challenges, to assure continuance of the mission to share God’s love and support those in need. We are humbled to be part of Mosaic’s future. We would be honored if you join us and participate in such an important cause through the Hope Beyond Measure campaign. Pastor Mark and Kathy Helge Honorary Chairs The Rev. Mark and Kathy Helge have been faithful supporters of Mosaic and church ministries locally, nationally, even internationally. In 2019 they established the Joyful Spirits Endowment Fund which is dedicated to Mosaic’s church relations work. In sharing this gift, Kathy noted, “We’ve been blessed to be a blessing to others. We want to ensure that Mosaic is a place of rejoicing spirits and that Mosaic stays true to God’s call to pursue opportunities that empower people.” Rev. Helge served as a Lutheran pastor for 40 years, while Kathy worked as a Medical Technologist early in their marriage before taking time off to raise their two sons. Now happily retired, they enjoy spending time at their homes in Florida and Wisconsin and are thoroughly enjoying traveling and volunteering where they can. 14 | Hope Beyond Measure

HopeBeyondMeasure.org 4980 South 118th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 [email protected] | 877.366.7242 ©2022 Mosaic. All rights reserved. Mosaic is an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of Lutheran Services in America. Mosaic will not discriminate in matters of employment or service delivery on the basis of race, creed, age, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, marital status or veteran status.